UC Recreation and Entertainment Club (UCREC)

Are you unsure about what games UCREC has for you to play? Then look at the table below and have a read!!
Board Game Player Limit
Anomia 3+
Azul 2-4
Betrayal at the House on the Hill+Widow's Walk Expansion 6
Carcasonne 2-5
Cards Against Humanity 3+
Chess & CheckersX2 2
Cluedo(Scooby Doo Ver.) 2-6
Connect 4 2
Coup 3-6
Coup Rebellion G54 3+
Dixit 3-6
Exploding Kittens 5
Jenga 2+
Love Letter (Batman Ver.) 2-4
Pandemic 2-4
Ping Pong 2
Raiders of the North Sea 2-4
Red Flags 3-10
Risk (Star Wars Ver.) 2-6
Secret Hitler 5-10
Settlers of Catan+6 Player Expansion 3-6
Street Fighter Deck-Building Game 2-5
Telestrations 4-8
Ultimate Werewolf 5-75
Viewpoint Reflections 2-6
Werewolf 7+
What do you Meme? 3-20+